Three school campuses in the district have qualified under a new state law to offer free meals to all students in the 2024-25 school year. This qualification is reassessed each year. We acknowledge that the state designation at only three of our schools may cause confusion. This communication is intended to help students and families understand school meal fees next school year.
House Bill 1238 requires school districts to provide meals at no cost to all students enrolled at campuses housing grades K-4, where 30% or more of students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals, based on building data gathered each October. The state will reimburse the district for the portion that would normally be paid by families at these schools next year.
The bill lowered the qualifying threshold to 30%, down from 40% for the 2023-24 school year. No Stanwood-Camano schools had met the higher threshold.
The qualifying schools are Elger Bay Elementary, Stanwood Elementary, and Church Creek Campus — which includes Lincoln Hill High, Lincoln Academy, and Saratoga. Free breakfast and lunch will be available to all students at these buildings next school year.
We request families complete our free or reduced-price meals application because it impacts the continuation of this benefit in future years as well as other federal and state funding for the district. It also unlocks student and family benefits in the district and community, such as lower utility bills.
Paid meals will continue to be offered at all other campuses, and students who qualify for Free or Reduced Meals will continue to receive free meals at all other campuses. Find information about meals, pricing, and more on our Food Services webpage.