Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington 98292
July 5, 2022 - 1:00 PM
Board President Natalie Hagglund called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.
Board Members Present: Al Schreiber,, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund
Board Member(s) Absent: Charlotte Murry (Excused)
President Hagglund led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Director Al Schreiber moved to approve the July 5, 2022 Regular Meeting Agenda; seconded by Director Ken Christoferson.
Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund
Passed - Unanimously
June 21, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes
Director Miranda Evans moved to approve the June 21, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes; seconded by Director Al Schreiber.
Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund
Passed - Unanimously
June 24, 2022 Special Meeting Minutes
Director Ken Christoferson moved to approve the June 24, 2022 Special Meeting Minutes; seconded by Director Al Schreiber.
Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans
Abstain: Director Natalie Hagglund
Donations - Deborah Rumbaugh
The donations were presented by Directors Evans and Hagglund.
Draft 2022-23 Budget Status and Draft F195 Budget Report - Steve Lidgard
Steve Lidgard, Executive Director of Business Services, presented the Draft 2022-23 Budget for the General, Capital Project, Debt Service, Associated Student Body, and Transportation Funds for September 1, 2022 - August 31, 2023. Mr. Lidgard summarized 2022-23 expenses are projected to exceed revenue, noting state appropriation has been declining by 1% since 2018, there will no longer be federal meal program waivers and districts will return to subsidizing the student meal program, transportation funding has not been addressed by the legislature and the draft budget currently reflects transportation as not fully funded, increased salary and benefits which are not fully funded by the state and, notably, the cost of fuel, food and services have increased. Mr. Lidgard noted ESSR funds (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund) will be spent by the end of 2022-23 and some Capital Project needs may be absorbed by the General Fund which impacts the budget. Mr. Lidgard shared the 2022-23 Annual Budget will be presented to the Board at the August 16 meeting for adoption. Discussion followed.
Annual Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying (HIB) Report - Maurene Stanton
Maurene Stanton, Executive Director of Human Resources, presented the annual Board Policy 3207 Update, Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB). HIB reporting options were reviewed which include an online reporting form, the district's Vector Solutions online tip reporting system, and paper forms which can be found online or at schools. Recommendations for updates to the HIB online reporting form were made and HIB referrals for the 2021-22 school year were reviewed and discussed.
President Hagglund noted everyone has had an opportunity to review the Consent Agenda and offered anyone in attendance an opportunity to comment. President Hagglund noted there are 9 Consent items, as 8 is listed twice. There were no comments.
Director Evans motioned to approve Consent Agenda items 1 through 9; seconded by Director Christoferson.
Aye: Directors Al Schreiber, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund
Passed - Unanimously
- Approve the Donations.
Approve Stanwood High School Field Trips, a-b as listed:
Student Leadership Camp, Cispus Learning Center, July 12-17, 2022, Randall, Washington.
- Future Farmers of America (FFA) Leadership Retreat, July 27-28, 2022, Leavenworth, Washington.
- Adopt Resolution 2021/2022-012 to authorize moving funds from the Private Purpose Trust to the General Fund.
- Approve the Master Terms and Conditions for Services Agreement with PAXIS, for PAX training for district staff.
- Approve the Home Hospital Service Rate of Pay.
- Approve the Non-Represented Employees and Public School Employees of Stanwood-Camano updated Salary Schedules for 2022-2023.
- Approve the 2022-2023 Contract with Open Doors for the Youth Reengagement Program.
- Approve awarding the Elger Bay Elementary Boiler Replacement Project to the low bidder, Harris PNW, and authorize administration to execute a contract with Harris PNW for said project.
- Approve the Personnel Consent Agenda for July 5, 2022.
Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit their request to speak two hours prior to the board meeting start time. Click on the link PUBLIC COMMENT or email [email protected] to submit your request; please include your comment topic. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name and address for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak. If you are attending the zoom meeting via phone, please include the phone number you will be calling from in your email or Public Comment request so we can locate you in the attendee group and enable the speaking function.
There was no public comment.
There were no items for School Board discussion.
Director Schreiber thanked those who donations were presented tonight.
Director Christoferson echoed Director Schreiber's comment.
Director Evans expressed appreciation for everyone's work to wrap up the end of the school year.
Director Hagglund reminded board members to complete the board self-assessment survey by July 15 and noted there is great work happening over the summer and looks forward to what's ahead.
President Hagglund adjourned the meeting at 1:28 PM.