November 17, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center Boardroom
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington 98292

November 17, 2020



Board President Natalie Hagglund called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and announced the statutory waivers/suspensions of the Open Public Meeting Act (OPMA) cited in the Governor's Proclamation 20-28.12 have been extended, including that boards conduct meetings remotely and not in person, therefore, the November 17, 2020 Regular Board Meeting is being held using the Zoom platform.

President Hagglund shared about public comment opportunities on the agenda.

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Board Members Present: Natalie Hagglund, Ken Christoferson, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans, Al Schreiber
Student Advisor Present: Kiki Ruljancich
Student Advisor Absent: Andrew Norton

Natalie Hagglund led the Pledge of Allegiance.


  1. Approval of the new Regular Board Meeting Order of Business Agenda to include a new section titled, "School Board Discussion."
    Natalie Hagglund provided a detailed explanation regarding the addition of the new section to accommodate policy first readings and allow board members the opportunity for discussion and to ask questions prior to a second reading.
    Miranda Evans moved to approve the new Order of Business; seconded by Al Schreiber.

    Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans and Natalie Hagglund

  2. Approval of the Agenda for the November 17, 2020 Regular Board Meeting.
    Al Schreiber moved to approve the Agenda for the November 17, 2020 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Charlotte Murry.

    Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans and Natalie Hagglund


November 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Ken Christoferson moved to approve the Minutes for the November 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Miranda Evans.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans and Natalie Hagglund


  1. Donations
    Student Advisor Kiki Ruljancich presented the donation.2.
  2. August and September 2020 Financial Reports - Steve Lidgard
    Steve Lidgard, Executive Director of Business Services, thanked the business office staff for their hard work during the constantly changing guidance due to COVID-19. Mr. Lidgard reviewed the August 2020 Executive Summary; 2019-20 Fiscal Year Fund Balance; Object Summary; General Fund Budget Status Report; and Debt Service and Transportation Vehicle Funds. Mr. Lidgard continued with a review of September 2020 financials, highlighting information in the Executive Summary, Fund Balance, Object Summary, Transportation Vehicle Fund, and Food Service reports.

Natalie Hagglund extended an opportunity for public comment on the Consent Agenda. There was no public comment. Miranda Evans requested to pull Consent item #2 for discussion.

Miranda Evans moved to approve Consent items #1 and #3 through 9; seconded by Ken Christoferson.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murray, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, and Natalie Hagglund.

  1. Approval of Donations. That the Board approves the Donations, dated November 17, 2020. (SL)

  2. Approval for Carl Webster, Lincoln Hill High School Physical Education and Health Teacher, to solicit students to participate in the Education First (EF) Field Trip to London, England, Summer 2022. That the Board approves Carl Webster, Lincoln Hill High School Physical Education and Health Teacher, to solicit students to participate in the Education First (EF) Field Trip to London, England, Summer 2022, dated November 17, 2020. (SL)

  3. Approval of the Contract with Island County for the Island County Community Impact Grant. That the Board approves the Contract with Island County for the Island County Community Impact Grant, dated November 17. 2020 (LS)

  4. Approval to adopt Resolution 2020/2021-003, Certification of 2021 Excess Property Taxes. That the Board approves the adoption of Resolution 2020/2021-003, Certification of 2021 Excess Property Taxes, dated November 17, 2020. (SL)

  5. Approval of the Agreement with Bekins Northwest for moving services from the old to the new Stanwood High School. That the board approves the Agreement with Bekins Northwest for moving services from the old to the new Stanwood High Schoool, dated November 17, 2020. (GP)

  6. Approval of Contract Amendment No. 2 with Dykeman Architects for services related to the Port Susan Middle School Roof Replacement Project. That the Board approves Contract Amendment No. 2 with Dykeman Architects for services related to the Port Susan Middle School Roof Replacement Project, dated November 17, 2020. (GP)

  7. Approval of the Agreement with Cornerstone Architectural Group for services related to the Port Susan Middle School Roof Replacement Project. That the Board approves the Agreement with Cornerstone Architectural Group for services related to the Port Susan Middle School Roof Replacement Project, dated November 17, 2020. (GP)

  8. Approval of Personnel Consent Agenda. That the Board approves the Personnel Consent Agenda, including certificated/classified new hires, resignations, leave requests, retirements, and travel, dated November 17, 2020. (MS)

  9. Approval of Bills and Payroll, That the Board approves Bills and Payroll, dated November 17, 2020 (SL)

Ryan Ovenell fielded questions from Director Evans regarding the request to solicit students to participate in a 2022 Education First field trip to London, England.

Al Schreiber moved to approve Consent item #2; seconded by Miranda Evans.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, and Natalie Hagglund.


Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit their request to speak two hours prior to the board meeting start time. Click on the link PUBLIC COMMENT or email [email protected] to submit your request; please include your comment topic. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name and address for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak. If you are attending the zoom meeting via phone, please include the phone number you will be calling from in your email or Public Comment request so we can locate you in the attendee group and enable the speaking function.
There was no public comment.


  1. First Reading (no action), Revised Policy 2255 Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) Courses (Dr. Lloy Schaaf and Ryan Ovenell). Discussed and moved forward for a second reading.
  2. First Reading (no action), Revised Policy 3211 Gender-Inclusive Schools (Maurene Stanton). Discussed and moved forward for a second reading.
  3. First Reading (no action), Revised Policy 6512 Infection Control Program (Mark Carter). No discussion and moved forward for a second reading.
  4. First Reading (no action), New Policy 3226 Interviews and Interrogations of Students on School Premises (Mark Carter). Board members requested Policy 3226 be placed on a future study session agenda for discussion; did not move forward for a second reading.
  5. First Reading (no action), New Policy 4311 School Resource Officer (Mark Carter). Board members requested Policy 4311 be placed on a future study agenda for discussion; did not move forward for a second reading.


Student Advisor Kiki Ruljancich reported students are starting to put artifacts together for the time capsule for the new school; conferences are this week; seniors are joining the 12th Year Campaign for Student Financial Aid on November 19th; and, extended day credit retrieval starts on December 1st.


Miranda Evans expressed appreciation for the work that goes into the budget report and financial statements and thanked the budget office team. Director Evans asked everyone to do the best they can to make the best of the holiday season in order to move forward and wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Ken Christoferson thanked staff for presentations and thanked the Stanwood-Camano Area Foundation for providing connectivity opportunities to students. Director Christoferson expressed appreciation to students who are living through this tough time and reflected on the expectation of kids to be resilient, adding it is not always easy for them and they need everyone's support. He thanked all for pulling together as a community to provide support and shared he hopes for good things to come out of this experience.

Charlotte Murry thanked Steve Lidgard and staff for the budget reports, adding she is grateful for their attention to detail. Director Murry wished all a good Thanksgiving, adding she hopes everyone tries to do what they can to stay safe so students can get back into classrooms; she also gave a shout out to students as they've made it through the first quarter, the majority online. Director Murry commented she has received positive feedback about improvements the district has made since last spring and added, while there are still hurdles, things have greatly improved and expressed her appreciation.

Al Schreiber thanked the Stanwood-Camano Area Foundation for their donation; he thanked Steve Lidgard and staff for the financial reports and thanked Gary Platt and Liz Jamieson for projects that are coming along. He also thanked Ryan Ovenell for his work with the Alternative Program. Director Schreiber added he is disappointed that the district is not able to move forward with returning more students to schools; he acknowledged students are surviving and added he wishes to see them thriving. Director Schreiber offered thanks to staff for all they are doing and wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Dr. Shumate shared that a family message was sent out today and hopes that everyone pays close attention to the message. Dr. Shumate updated the Board on this week's conversations with Dr. Spitters; she shared about plans for continued learning during inclement weather, adding she will keep the Board informed on this process; and she thanked staff for their work to make sure students are safe. Dr. Shumate thanked the Capital Projects staff for their work to ensure projects are on time and within budget, and thanked Lloy Schaaf, Maurene Stanton, Dan Johnston, and nurses Sam McDonald and Mary Hoffman for attending Snohomish and Island County health department meetings and for the information they put together to contribute to these meetings. Dr. Shumate expressed wishes for those who may be having health challenges to get well and for others to do what they can to stay healthy. Dr. Shumate thanked the Board for their continued support during this difficult time.

Natalie Hagglund reflected on the WSSDA Annual Convention starting this week and the Board's choice not to spend the money on an expensive virtual conference. Director Hagglund shared she feels good about the decision and expressed appreciation for the other opportunities to participate in learning and networking. Director Hagglund shared she continues to hear from other districts that Stanwood-Camano has gone above and beyond, adding some of these districts have not brought any students back, and that she continues to hear from parents who comment they are pleased with the work the district has done and continues to do. Director Hagglund thanked everyone for attending and shared a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do." Director Hagglund thanked everyone for continuing to look fear in the face, for working hard, and moving forward.

Natalie Hagglund adjourned the meeting at 6:56 PM.