Tools for families

We pride ourselves in making student safety our top priority. We need your help as part of the solution.

Please help us keep your child safe by following these emergency DOs and DON’Ts. 

Emergency DOs

Prepare in advance...

Bookmark our website

We will post the latest available information on our homepage and via email. Check back frequently for updates and instructions on when and where you can pick up your child if parent pick-up is necessary.

Get Connected

Having accurate and updated information is critical. Call our schools if your Skyward information is outdated.  Don't wait, call today! You can also opt-in to receive important informational text messages from your child’s school by texting “Y” to 67587.

Follow Us On Social Media

We post immediately on our social media pages. Search for Stanwood-Camano School District or find us at @SCSD_401 on Twitter and StanwoodCamanoSD on Facebook.

Stay calm

If your student contacts you, stay calm and reassuring. Encourage them to follow the directions of school staff. Ask them to turn off their cell phone and not use social media. Rely only on official communication from school or public safety officials. Wait for direction from the district about if you need to pick up your child, and if so, when and where.

Emergency DON'Ts

If something happens...

Don't rush to the school

Going to campus may put you or your child at great risk. Additional people on the scene distract first responders from their primary job — student safety. Instead, check our website, Facebook page, Twitter feed, email, or phone for information and instructions.

Don’t call the school

Resources are stretched thin during emergencies. All school staff have a role in the response, and your calls may distract them. Phone lines and staff will be needed for emergency response efforts.

Don't call your child

It may not always be safe for students or staff to answer incoming calls during an emergency or lockdown.