Under the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, all Stanwood-Camano Schools must be totally free of unlawful drugs and alcohol. No one is allowed to posess, use or distribute such drugs or alcohol while at school or while taking part in school activities. In addition, State Law and Board Policy prohibit the use of tobacco products or electronic cigarettes (vaping) by anyone on public school property. Disciplinary actions will be taken for drug, alcohol, vaping and tobacco violations. The law allows for discipline that may include prosecution for illegal acts, as well as suspension or expulsion for students. The District fully supports the Drug-Free School and Communities Act. It is expected that all students and employees will follow the regulations and policies prohibiting possession, use or distribution of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco on school property or as a part of any school activity. Services are available within this area for students who are involved with drugs or abusing alcohol. Resources can be found by contacting school staff or your family doctor.